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Ceda i Olgica foundation
Ukraine News letter3 News letter2 News letter1


April 2023 - Update | After five long years, Hudaki came to the Netherlands again. And played in Amsterdam, Oostum, Jisp, Warnsveld and Deventer. We supported the tour with soup, logistics, fish and finances, - in fair practice. We thank Hanneke & Geert, Jannet, and Bas for hospitality, Hesther & Niels in Oostum and Pauline in Jisp, WaddenMax for showing us around and donating from their cheese register, and 't Ailand in Lauwersoog, for free fish in their wonderfull restaurant on the pier. #standwithukraine! #hudakivillageband Djakuju!! 

Ukraine actions | We hoped this year the Ukrainian band HUDAKI would finally come to the Netherlands and Germany again. But all came different. With the senseless destructive war going on in Ukraine, we changed our plans and asked HUDAKI what else we could do together. 

Many offered help. Hans’ parents reached out to their friends to collect money. Others checked cars and supplies. So far we supported buying an ambulance (it reached Ukraine end of March, hurray), a van to help look after all those people that moved to the relative safety of Transcarpathia in Ukraine, and supplies to be taken in the van.
Four families from Ukraine stay in our Spielberg home. The house visibly enjoys all activity, neighbors come by and we planted many seeds in the garden. We hope peace will prevail. It must.

Thank you all!

We hoopten dat de Oekraïense band HUDAKI deze lente eindelijk weer naar Nederland zou komen. Maar alles kwam anders. Met de zinloze verwoestende oorlog in Oekraïne veranderden we onze plannen en vroegen HUDAKI wat we nu samen konden doen.

Velen boden hulp. De ouders van Hans schreven brieven aan hun vrienden om geld in te zamelen. Anderen inspecteerden auto's en materiaal. Tot dusver hebben we de aankoop van een ambulance ondersteund (deze bereikte Oekraïne eind maart, hoera), van een busje voor alle mensen die verhuisden naar de relatieve veiligheid van Transkarpatië in Oekraïne, en spullen die in het busje kunnen worden meegenomen. Vier Oekraïense families wonen in ons huis in Spielberg. Het huis is blij met alle leven, buren komen langs, de banden van de fietsen zijn opgepompt, en we hebben allerlei zaden in de tuin geplant. We hopen dat de vrede wint. Snel.

Bedankt iedereen!

_deze is het geworden